Case Studies
Getting students to use their own skills and creativity not teaching from the front of the class
One highlight was when, during my last week, following some preparatory work I had done with BYA
facilitators at Huntington, the students put on wonderfully lively performances of a ‘playlet’ which formed
part of the English programme. This seemed to complete a transition on the facilitat...
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Comparing Early Chidhood Education in The Gambia and The UK
" Early years in the UK is far more advanced and you immediately begin to appreciate how many resources, materials and how
much money we have at our disposal.....It is important to embrace their (Gambian) culture and
understand the challenges faced by educators in The Gambia. Life is very...
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"few have seen, let alone worked with a compuer before"
My time was spent working on the Bridging Year (BYA) programme, this is a year long course that
takes school leavers in the local area and looks to prepare them for entering the workplace by
making them computer literate (few have seen, let alone worked with a computer before starting
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Career mentorship for a digital learning centre in South Africa
"There are so many obstacles that are in the way of rural South Africans, so
it’s essential that the volunteer understands the situation and builds effective, sustainable, and scalable
material that can be used by the fouindation it expands"
Read the whole case study here
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Time and team management training by a volunteer with business skills.....
....for a school principal in Cambodia - and time was found for product development to help the funding of the community centre!
"If you have a skill that you could share and would like to immerse yourself in another culture then
volunteering abroad is a fabulous experience. In particular ...
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"It really feels like progress has been made with our early education centres.= ( in Swaziland)
Volunteer Yvonne builds on the work of previous volunteers. Read the whole story here
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Celia's second trip to Swaziland didn't go quite as planned but....
......"The biggest success was knowing that it was absolutely the right thing to do to come back to Swaziland.
There was a part of me that wondered if coming back was wise. Although I was much more aware of the
dynamics and challenges within the organisation, I still felt at home and felt...
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Volunteers Ursula and Diana - meet in Wiltshire via Kathmandu and Eastern cape south Africa
Different journeys in very different corners of the world bring two Wiltshire women together - read their story here
published in Witshire magazine December 2012
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Volunteers tell their own stories on Video
want to hear what volunteers really think about their volunteer experiences - take a look here on our you tube channel
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Tony writes about his time in Tshume School
On his return from South Africa, volunteer Tony writes to his predecessors - read his letter here
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Volunteers tell their own stories
check out slideshare youtube our blog facebook for volunteer interviews & project news
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UNCUT! video interviews with volunteers
Hear about the rewards and callenges of volunteering with people and places from volunteers in their UNCUT videos.
watch them here
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The Kuglers - husband and wife team.
Larry and Eileen Kugler have volunteered with us twice in the rural township school of A.V.Bukani. Their second trip was "returning to find we never really left" Read their story.
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Emma - HR manager in her 30's
Emma's volunteer experience was truly "lifechanging".Here she tries to explain why. Read
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Bill - retired lecturer and education manager
Read about Bill's two volunteer placements here
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Expert Tours People and Places Ltd trading as people and places - Company Number 03805796 - Registered in England at: 47 River Park, Marlborough, SN8 1NH