Read our blog -
Keep up with previous volunteer blogs and our news. You will be able to read updates from the projects - articles about volunteering and most important of all post your comments.
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A chance to become an e-volunteer
e-volunteering is a way for you to volunteer from home - take a look at our e-volunteer site
their web site
A chance to watch and download slides shows from volunteers....
...and from people and places.
If you subscribe you will be automatically updated!
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An opportunity to watch volunteers talking about their experiences.
Watch the people and places You Tube videos - lots of interviews with previous volunteers and local partners
their web site
Fundraising for your volunteer trip?
This site could be useful
their web site
Useful independant site to help you make the right volunteering abroad decisions
This site has a very useful tick list to help you identify if the organisation you are thinking about travlling with is ethical - lots of articles too
their web site
Useful resources to learn more about the ethics and challenges of volunteer travel
We have compiled a short list of links that you may find useful for your research into volunteer travel
Volunteer videos, presentations and stories - follow them here,
Check out slideshare youtube our blog facebook for volunteer interviews & project news

Expert Tours People and Places Ltd trading as people and places - Company Number 03805796 - Registered in England at: 47 River Park, Marlborough, SN8 1NH