Contact people & places

To contact people and places you can email or complete the on line enquiry form below. Our address and other contact information are also shown below.

Perhaps you're not ready to register, you've been unable to find a project that interests you or you have a question that isn't addressed on our site pages. Let us know if a particular country interests you and/or how you would like to contribute to a project.

Whatever the case, please email or complete our on line enquiry form - we can then keep you up-to-date on future developments too!

Important: In order to ensure you receive emails from people & places please add dianne [at] travel-peopleandplaces [dot] co [dot] uk to your safe sender or contact list on mail providers such as GMail, Yahoo and Hotmail/Live.

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If you've not been able to find a project that interests you please let us have some additional information. Tell us about your abilities - we will suggest an appropriate match.

Expert Tours People and Places Ltd trading as people and places - Company Number 03805796 - Registered in England at: 1 Naboth's Nursery, Canterbury Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 8AX