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supporting children and families through health and social care in Siem Reap (CDS)

Location: Cambodia
Project type: child development support
Price from: £1095.00 - details below

Use your medical and social skills to help support a community project working to improve the chances of disadvantaged children and their families from Siem Reap and the surrounding villages.

Skills required

We work closely with the local people who manage these projects, and they have identified their primary volunteer needs:
  • Early childhood healthcare practitioners
  • Health care professionals able to help organise and deliver basic health and hygiene programmes
  • Nutritionists
  • People able to organise training in drug and alcohol abuse
  • Registered doctors, dentists and nurse practitioners
  • Occupational therapists, speech therapists and physiotherapists
  • Art therapists
This project offers a responsible alternative to the volunteer who would like to work in childcare but is rightly concerned about the ethics of short term volunteer work abroad in an orphanage.

Main project details

Most health care programmes in Cambodia are based around community centres in rural villages - our partners work with Treak Community Centre, a traditional Cambodia village about 4km to the south of Siem Reap.  The centre is focused on meeting the needs of families who live on or just above the poverty line, and is all about creating opportunities for local people, rather than dependency.  The project is ongoing and works to help people learn new skills, also increasing their own abilities, self-confidence and feelings of self-worth in the hope that these attributes will enable them to take control of their own futures. 
As the centre operates in a poor village, they get people in real crisis coming to them for assistance: no money, no food, no baby milk, sickness, family bereavement etc.
Treak offers help through their Community Support programme, of which the main components are the sewing programme - providing work for women of the village through the newly established social enterprise Treak Creations, and the brick-making and recycling programme - used to build useful structures in the village including the school itself, toilets for every home and even complete houses.  Treak Creations' latest initiative is to develop the kitchen, enabling it to be used to feed staff and visitors, teach children and their families about nutrition and support the Centre by generating income through cooking classes offered to tourists. Its most important function however is to enable people to receive help with dignity as anyone needing assistance pays for this through work on one of these community projects.  The project manager, Salin, wants people to contribute in some way for the help they get by working at the centre etc.  They also offer health care workshops when the opportunity arises, focusing on issues such as basic nutrition and health care practices.
Health care needs in the village of Treak are similar to those in most rural villages. In many of the villages there is no piped water supply, with all the water coming from community wells.  Water has to be boiled or run through filters before it is safe to drink but 30% of families don't have water filters.  Many villages have no sewage system - those families lucky enough to have a toilet have a simple collecting tank next to their toilet that has to be emptied out.  In these circumstances basic health care practices that we would take for granted, such as washing hands after using the toilet, are often lacking.  In addition, many families have never been taught good hygiene practices.  Most children in Cambodia now attend school but this was not the case for their parents' generation, largely due to Cambodia's troubled political history.  The community centre provides holistic support to those in the local community, including education programmes and vocational training for children and adults.  A key part of this is health, first aid and nutrition training for children who attend classes at the centres and for the families in the local communities.  They would welcome support in developing health and nutrition programmes, preparing resources and planning and helping to deliver workshops.  
Treak Community Centre also operates the following programmes, all of which are free for the students:
School - focusing on teaching English, general studies and personal and social education (around 400 children)
Nursery - kindergarten education for 120 children, especially for the poorest families, encouraging engagement in education 
Library - many families in the village don't own a single book and the children are hungry for the opportunity to read 
These education programmes provide a structure for delivering health and first aid training to the children, and community training is often delivered first to the teachers who all speak fluent English and are able to access computer-based resources.
'I absolutely loved my experience at Treak Community Centre.  I was welcomed by all and given all the support and information I needed to feel right at home straight away.' Volunteer, Sophie 
Helping to improve health care by working alongside local people keen to develop their own skills and to help their communities is a really important way of enabling the people of Cambodia to break the cycle of poverty and take control of their own futures.  If you have any of the skills listed at the top of this page, you can make a useful contribution here.

You can also volunteer on this project from home through our e-volunteer programme.  For more information about e-volunteering click here.
Read more about how the volunteer programme works with health and social care projects here


Cambodia's bloody history has had a massive effect on the country's infrastructure, as well as on its citizens in very specific and personal ways.  During the Khmer Rouge rule Cambodia experienced a traumatic and unforgettable genocide that changed the country forever.  Approximately 1.7 million people were killed in a little less than four years.
Thirty years later, Cambodia still struggles to provide basic education and healthcare for its people.  Literacy is a significant issue, with the majority of Cambodia's illiterate population living below the poverty line, in remote and rural areas.  Without improving the access to and quality of affordable education and healthcare, there is very little hope of Cambodia pulling itself out of poverty.  The lack of clean water and adequate sanitation is still a major health risk in the majority of rural villages.
More than one third of Cambodians live below the poverty line, struggling to survive on less than $1 a day.  Economic poverty is especially pervasive in rural areas and among children, who constitute more than half the country's population.
According to UNICEF, Cambodia has the highest infant and under-five mortality rates in the region, at 97 and 141 per 1,000 live births respectively.  Vaccine-preventable diseases, diarrhoea and respiratory infections are among the leading causes of childhood death.  Maternal mortality is also high.
Cambodia's main income generating industries are textiles and tourism.  The long-term development of the economy after decades of war remains a daunting challenge, as the population lacks education and productive skills, particularly in the countryside, which suffers from an almost total lack of basic infrastructure.  More than 60% of the population still gets by on subsistence farming.

Volunteer opportunities in this community support programme are many and varied.  Whether you have skills in health care, social care or child care your skills and experience will also be put to good use. Take a look at the list of needs, as identified by the project, near the top of this page. Work with local people and play your part in responsible volunteer projects abroad.

Minimum duration

minimum 4 weeks recommended - depending on your skills, shorter trips could be arranged.

Living Conditions

You will stay at a locally owned, family run guest house. A simple breakfast is included - simple and cheap lunch and dinner are available  onsite  from as little as $3.00 - however there are many local restaurants where you can eat for as little as $6.00

You will have your own basic private shower and WC with TV, fan and wifi.Air conditioning is available at an additional $4.00 per day

Alternative accomodation can be arranged at small hotels with air conditioning and a swimming pool and that added comfort you may need from an additional $200 per week.

Project costs

from £1095 for 4 weeks based on bed and breakfast, single guesthouse accommodation

Please note sterling prices are an estimate based on the dollar prices below at an exchange rate of $1.20 to £1.00
Read about our costs and pricing policy here - watch an explanatory interview with programme director Sallie Grayson

Returning volunteers will receive a 25% reduction in project management and matching fees
Additional weeks are costed at a sliding reducing rate. Please ask for details.

Please note these costs are correct to the best of our knowledge but can only be confirmed at time of booking due to changes in transport and taxes outside our control.

Included: bed and breakfast guesthouse, airport transfers, full local orientation & child protection workshop, social event, local SIM card (not including data), project & placement liaison.
Your donation will fund the work of the programme and purchase the materials you may need.

How your money is spent based on 4 weeks
$252 - direct costs in Cambodia (transfers, accommodation, orientation & child protection workshop information packs)
$350 - project management, liaison & supervision in Cambodia
$400 - project donation in Cambodia
£260 - recruitment, matching & project development in UK

Not included: flights, insurance, visa costs, personal expenses such as phone calls, data packages for smartphones, medical expenses, daily transport to the project - this can be arranged during the matching process.

If you or your friends and family wish to make further donations to this project please contact us at

Recommended reading has a great reading list

Check out slideshare - youtube - our blog - facebook for volunteer interviews & project news

Project Reviews

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Expert Tours People and Places Ltd trading as people and places - Company Number 03805796 - Registered in England at: 47 River Park, Marlborough, SN8 1NH