The volunteer travel opportunities we offer are accessible below.

You’ll see that some projects are shown in several categories: education development, business & administration, health & social care – these are often needed in the same community project - this is because of the holistic way in which we work. These close community relationships make it possible for us to create appropriate placements - whereby each individual volunteer’s abilities are matched to each project’s needs.

If you have skills or experience that are not specifically mentioned in these descriptions, please CONTACT US – we’ll be pleased to discuss possible placements with you where your input can be best used.

We have found 4 projects matching your search criteria - you are viewing page 1 of 1

building micro-business skills in The Gambia (BA)
Location: Gambia
Project Type: business & administration
Share your business skills with people in The Gambia to enable them to build better livelihoods. Volunteer to help create local wealth, through trade not aid. - [learn more]
business development support for young adults in a learning centre near Kruger Park (BA)
Location: South Africa
Project Type: business & administration
Volunteer in media & business-work in a learning centre on the edge of Kruger Park. The centre aims to provide young adults from rural areas with access to world-class education and employment opportunities through digital technology. - [learn more]
business support for Treak Community Centre (BA)
Location: Cambodia
Project Type: business & administration
Volunteer with a locally run social enterprise aiming to provide employment for local women, reduce dependence on foreign support and develop the expertise to become self-sustainable. - [learn more]
No Woman Left Behind - a business skills programme in The Gambia (BA)
Location: Gambia
Project Type: business & administration
Share your business and training skills to help support women in The Gambia who have been exploited in their past to become independent earners and build livelihoods and business opportunities for themselves.  - [learn more]


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Expert Tours People and Places Ltd trading as people and places - Company Number 03805796 - Registered in England at: 47 River Park, Marlborough, SN8 1NH